Litigation Support/ Expert Witness
Litigation Support/ Expert Witness
Attendees from the world's largest financial instutitions have sent attendees to TRCI seminars. Regulators, auditors, technologists and many others have all benefited from TRCI training.
ABN Amro Bank, NV
ANZ Bank
Allied Irish Bank
American Express Bank International
AmSouth Bank
Arab Banking Corp.
Asahi Bank
Atlantic Container Line
B.H.F. Bank A.G.
BP America
Banca Commerciale Italiana
Banca Nazionale Dell'Agricoltura
Banco Bradesco S.A.
Banco Central de Venezuela
Banco Del Pacifico, S.A.
Banco Exterior de Espana
Banco Industrial de Venezuela
Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios
Banco Popular Dominicano
Banco Real
Banco Rio de la Plata S.A.
Banco Santander International
Bangkok Bank Ltd.
Bank Austria
Bank Brussels Lambert
Bank of Boston
Bank Hapoalim
Bank of Nova Scotia
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd.
Bank of Yokohama Ltd.
Bank One
Bankers Trust Co.
Banque Nationale de Paris
Banque Sudameris
Barclays Bank PLC
Barnett Bank
Bayerische Landesbank
Bayerische Vereinsbank
Boatmans National Bank
Bordier International Bank & Trust Ltd.
The Boston Company
C.I.B.C. Wood Gundy
Cargill, Inc.
Cariplo Bank
Champion Mortgage Co., Inc.
Chase Manhattan Bank
CIT Group
Comerica Bank
Commerce Bank
Comp. Financiere de CIC et de
l'Union Europeene
Compass Bank
Conference of State Bank Supervisors
Corestates Bank N.A.
Coutts & Co.
Cowen & Co.
Credit Commercial de France
Credit Industriel et Commercial
Credit Lyonnais
Credit Suisse First Boston
Creditanstalt Bankverein
Darier Hentsch Private Bank
Den Danske Bank
Den Norske Bank
Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Morgan Grenfell
Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc.
Dow Jones Telerate Inc.
Dresdner Kleinwort Benson
EBS Dealing Resources
Elkins McSherry Co., Inc.
F.H.L.B. - Office of Finance
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Assoc.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Ferrier Lullin Bank & Trust
Fifth Third Bank
First of America Bank
First Bank N.A.
First Financial Caribbean Corp.
First Interstate Bank
First Union Bank
Forest City Finance
GE Capital
Government Development Bank for
Puerto Rico
Greenwich Capital
Hamilton Bank
Harris Trust and Savings Bank
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Huntington National Bank
IBJ Schroder International Bank
Instinet Corp.
J P Morgan
Key Bank
Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen
Long Term Credit Bank of Japan
The MacGregor Group
M&T Bank
MTB Bank
Mees Pierson N.V.
Mellon Bank
Merita Bank
Met Life
Midas Kapiti International
Mitsubishi Trust and Banking
Money Gram
Monte del Paschi di Sienna
Morgan Guaranty
Municipal Market Data
National Australia Bank
National Bank of Canada
National Bank of Commerce
NatWest PLC
NCM Capital Management
Nesbitt Burns Securities, Inc.
New York State Comptroller0‚8s Office
Nissho Iwai American Corp.
Norddeutsche Landesbank
Oceanic Bank and Trust Ltd.
Office of the Comptroller of the
Old Kent Bank
Oppenheimer Capital
PNC Bank, NA
Paribas Capital Markets
Postipankki, Ltd.
Prime Associates
Republic National Bank
Ross Capital Markets Ltd.
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
Salomon Brothers, Inc.
SE Bank
Scotia Capital Markets
Seoul Bank
SG Hambros
Societe Generale
South Capital Co.
Standard Chartered Bank
State Bank of India
State National Bank
State Street Bank & Trust
Stolat Partners Ltd.
Sumitomo Bank Ltd.
Sun Trust Banks
Svenska Handelsbanken
Swiss Bank Corp.
T. Rowe Price Assoc.
Technical Data
Telus Corp.
Texas Commerce Bank
Thompson Vision
Tokai Bank
Toronto Dominion Securities (USA) Ltd.
Transamerica Corp.
Unibank A/S
Union Bank of Switzerland
U.S. Bank of Washington
Wells Fargo Bank
West Merchant Bank
West One Bank
Wrightson Associates
YMCA Retirement Fund